Lenny Kravitz has been honoured with a named star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood. The ceremony was attended by the singer’s daughter Zoe Kravitz, her fiancé Channing Tatum and the artist’s long-time friend Denzel Washington. Kravitz shared his impressions of the ceremony.
“It’s an incredible honour to be on this street. To be with all these great people who have done incredible things in their lives is an honour,” he told People magazine.
He admitted that it came as a surprise to him.
“I never really thought about it. Like I said, when I was a kid, I used to walk back and forth on these streets, but it was almost always with the thought of where I was going to sleep that night. Getting a star now feels so surreal, and I’m so grateful.”
In addition to Zoe, Channing and Denzel, stars such as Marla Gibbs and Verdine White attended the event and expressed their support. Their support was especially noted by Kravitz.
“It means a lot to me. Stardom is a beautiful thing, but if I didn’t have people to share my joy with, it would all be meaningless. The real gift is that there are so many people here who have known me my whole life and have walked this journey with me.”
Kravitz is currently preparing to release his 12th studio album, Electric Blue Light, which will be released on 24 May. Last October, he shared the title single from the upcoming album titled “TK421”, releasing it alongside a music video that received impressive critical and fan acclaim. In a January interview, the legendary rocker spoke about his career and trying to succeed as a black artist.
“I’ve been told my music isn’t black enough or white enough,” Kravitz shared.
He noted that record companies insisted that he needed to make a choice, which he never did.
“They told me I needed to make music that black people were making commercially and getting on the radio to be successful. And I was going to make music that I wrote,” he concluded.