A tiny Chihuahua called Pilaf has starred for the cover of doggy Vogue. Pilaf weighs just half a kilo. The little guy recently graced the cover of Dogue, the famous publication’s digital project dedicated to pets. Demi Moore brought the pet personally to the shoot in the studio, and also brought designer bags, scarves and jewellery. The film star patiently put Pilaf in hats and put diamond bracelets around his neck. And also gave commands, which the tiny chihuahua obediently carried out.

In an interview with the publication Demi said that does not part with the doggy for a minute. Pilaf appeared at Moore four years ago, when her daughter, Tallulah Willis, during the pandemic found him through social networks and organised transport from Thailand to Los Angeles.

The little chihuahua has now flown to Europe 14 times, visiting world film festivals, Broadway shows and museums, championships and exhibitions. Most often Demi carries the doggie in a special sling, which she hangs on her chest.

In addition to Pilaf, Glen Powell’s puppy Brisket and Billy Eilish’s doggie Shark also appeared in the latest issue of Dogue.