NFT could be called the most popular crypto sector. Although NFTs are a new phenomenon in the art world, they are already attracting considerable attention and collectors are willing to pay big money for them. But when is the best time to buy them? It’s worth considering buying when NFTs are just about to be released, which means getting on a whitelist or VIP list. Making sense of the digital world and finding really promising NFT projects can be very difficult. So how do you decide which NFTs are the best to invest in? There are many factors to consider before investing, such as the community behind the project, accounts on Discord, Twitter, Instagram or other platforms, information about the creators, unique features of specific NFTs, etc.
At Synergy Crypto and NFT Forum in Dubai, we met Nikita Kunitsyn and Konstantin Kudryashov. Nikita was one of the speakers and talked about NFT from scratch to “mint”. He also presented the new NFT FeetBack project which he is developing together with Konstantin.
Of course, we were interested in their project and decided to interview the guys and find out more about FeetBack.

Can you tell us how you got the idea for the FeetBack project?
The idea of creating it is quite interesting. We are both from the real sector, I have had a florist business for seven years, and Nikita has an international chain of women’s fitness studios. Creating a project and simply being an investor are two completely different paths. Even the energy feels different.
The idea of creating a project that will be completely different from others has been on my mind for a long time. It would be unique, modern, and backed up by a utility. So, on the morning of December 31 the idea was born – to make legs. FeetBack is a play on two words – the backside of legs. Plus the “expression” “to make legs” is really unique.
Why feet? If we look at 99% of collections – it’s mostly faces, bodies. In most cases – all collections are built around certain hype projects. We’ve taken a completely different route – a lot of people underestimate the importance of the feet. But, after all, it’s the feet that allow you to get from point A to point B. It is feet that bring you to important events and it is feet that, thanks to FeetBack, will bring you to a completely different world – the meta-world.

What was the FEETBACK project created for?
First and foremost to show – it is time for more people to look towards the meta universe. Why? The answer is obvious – it’s borderless. There are no borders, no nations, no divisions of right and wrong. It is a new element of interaction that is with us forever. The development of the meta universe has just begun and I am sure that FeetBack will contribute to its development as well as help to leave its mark.
What are the goals of the project?
The main goal is MetaIsland. To bring people to the meta-world. To introduce them to the world of crypto market. Now we are thinking about MetaIsland concept, so every landowner will have a chance to grow there and earn money.
The third stage is ambitious and large-scale – we’ll create our own real crypto-island, where, firstly, every owner of the first NFT collection will be able to leave his footprints (it will be implemented by the example of signs in Hollywood) Just imagine – the main street of the island, and there are 8888 unique footprints, which will indicate who owns it, who bought it and when. Secondly, the island – has the prefix crypto, where all settlements, where all real estate as well as plots of land will be sold through NFT technology as well as cryptocurrency. This is the future that has already arrived and we cannot ignore it.

How do you see the project progressing and does it have an end result?
Like any CryptoProject – we are building an ecosystem of community on twitter, discord, social media. Our main difference is that we are open. We show our faces. We have ambitious plans and we are realizing them. The company Papa media helps us in pr. We also work through Influencers and opinion leaders. Our goal is to build a quality community which will be with us until the last stage.
What do you think the future holds for NFT projects in general? Is it a long-term trend?
Of course, projects themselves will come and go. This has been the case with any field. Ordinary images in NFT are being replaced by more complex elements (music, movies, avatar skins in the metaverse). But, the most important thing is that the technology is unique and can be used in real assets (such as land, or real estate)
What led you to NFT projects?
Mostly it is that NFT as a technology is with us for the long term. We can’t prove ownership in a meta-universe without NFT. The technology removes a lot of middlemen and solves a huge amount of nuances and moments. People just need to get used to the fact that the plan of your apartment, as well as the right of ownership will be on your phone wallet.)
How do you develop your project? What resources do you use?
As I said before – Influencers, opinion leaders in Crypto Market, as well as traditional elements of marketing. We don’t depend on location (yet), so we use tools that reach the audience in the world as much as possible. Plus we use certain elements of project collaboration

Why do you use Ethereum specifically?
It is currently the most popular blockchain that is stable. That’s the main goal – to make everything work properly. Yes it has some minor drawbacks but it is all solvable.
When do you start selling your NFT project?
Mint – initial sales start mid June 2022. We will know the exact date when everything is ready as there are so many fine points to work out.
What is the plan to work on the project after the sale?
Registering the meta universe and working on it. As well as developing the concept of a real island.
How did the idea to create a real island come about and what is the plan to bring the project to life?
The idea is unique. To make an island, in the form of a footprint, where every owner of our collection will leave his or her mark. That, I think, is cool. The second point, of course, is the industry itself. Crypto is a new world, and while some don’t believe in it and block it in every possible way, other “crazy” guys are bringing the most incredible ideas to life.
Will the FeetBack project create a metauniverse?
Absolutely! And, as we’ve already said, we’re working on the concept so that all of our collection owners can make some extra money from it as well.