It is very important to find the right strategy of one’s development in the life of every person, as well as a profession and direction of activity, that, first of all, will motivate and bring pleasure. Indeed, even money cannot motivate a person in the long run, and he leaves unloved jobs in search of himself.
Stas Kasatov is a spectacular example of how choosing to do what you love can lead to incredible success.
Stas started his career in cinematography in 2015: it all started with cooperation with various cafes and showrooms. He offered to make small promo videos for them, and after half a year, having created a worthy portfolio, he became a well-known videographer in his city.
After some time, Stas met a very important person on his way – his current partner and, concurrently, his best friend, with whom they decided to move on together and created a team that, will soon become the largest production in the city with the largest clients and checks. Great while they were at work upon shooting of the weddings and small commercials for business; they looked for orders independently, came up with scripts at night, filmed, edited and handed over. Then the Stas’s team consisted only of 4-5 people and looked like a creative association, not a business.
They made the decision to move on, having reached their peak in their hometown and relocate to Dubai – the city of dreams and great opportunities. Stas began to work with major fashion brands, agencies and even representatives of the defense industry, traveled a lot around the world, and worked with celebrities, thanks to great efforts, his professionalism and colossal production experience.

Stas decided to return to Moscow in order to establish a main office at the end of 2019. It led to an incredibly rapid growth and development of his company: working with major brands such as Mercedes Benz, Apple, H&M, Lamborghini, S7, Johnnie Walker, shooting series for the largest streaming services in the country, etc. Stas’s team grew each year, replenished with professionals in their field; each year they moved to an increasingly larger and better office.
Stas’s company has 3 offices at the moment: the UAE, Russia and the USA.
Stas considers creativity, originality, audacity and brightness to be the main components of his work, that fully reflect the style and philosophy of his team, that is always on the move and trying something new. They are inspired by new challenges and challenges that they set for themselves, new horizons that show the way and give energy to move forward. Stas and his team try to put a piece of themselves into each work, putting their creativity, observation and individuality in the first place. As a result, their client receives an incredibly deep and creative work that answers all his questions, goals and needs.
It is very important to keep up with the times and technologies especially in the field of media. That is why Stas’s production always tries to bring something new to their work that people have not seen yet, and that will move the entire industry forward. They see potential in development of neural networks and their use in content creation. They actively studying these technologies now, applying them in their projects. Stas treats business and everything that happens in life as a very cool and interesting game that is why there are a lot of references to gaming in his latest works.

One of the most memorable works of Stas was the collaboration with the world famous Will Smith, that was associated with the release of his new film “Gemini Man”, that premiered in Budapest. Stas was delighted with working with Will and his attitude towards all the people with whom he interacted. He concluded that any goal is achievable and nothing is impossible in this world, thanks to this unique experience.
Stas plans to work with Hollywood stars of the first plan: Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Dwayne Douglas Johnson and make some advertising projects or films with them and please many with the implementation of his plans and achievements after 1-3 years.
Stas is engaged in the development and expansion of business and goes into entrepreneurship now. He has financial goals and a clear plan of action on how to achieve this. His company actively develops and enters new markets, searches for new talent, enters into strong business partnerships and develops each time new directions.
Stas considers his main tasks – to see the future, always keep up with the times and technologies, as well as shares this with his team and create the most suitable conditions for them to realize and reveal their talents. He is implementing very large-scale projects and is not going to stop there.