Tatyana Solo was one of the top experts of the main business event 2023 “Another Level” with an audience of ten thousand in online and offline formats, who revealed the topic of energy, as well as how to make a million without producers and a sales department. Tatyana is the energy coach, No. 1 in energy, founder of the “School Magic Solo”, blogger, entrepreneur, founder of a charitable foundation and philanthropist, author of the book “I Can Do Anything”.
Tatyana started her speech with her personal secrets, that help her earn big money in a soft niche and have a very loyal audience and frankly shared them with the audience at the first day of the forum.
The power of sexual energy is directly related to creativity and original ideas in Tatyana’s opinion; it can also be “considered” as charisma and attractiveness. High energy people easily become leaders. They want such people. They want to contact and interact as often as possible, they want to buy from them, they want to get to know them and be in the same field.
According to Tatyana, this is the key with which warm and trusting relations with the audience are established. “They buy from those they want!” And if you have a sexual (aka creative) energy at a high level, you can easily create something special, you can easily lead people and take a top position in your field.
Therefore, it is so important to prove yourself openly, show your edges, be interesting and brave, and follow the call of your heart.

At the end of her speech, Tatiana gave a simple exercise to begin to develop her creative energy. She asked all participants to write down 3 things they can do in their business and that they can reveal their creative part of the personality, something that will show their identity, absolutely not thinking about how to monetize it. She recommended thinking about exactly how everyone can use and develop this, and increasing the check and scaling the product will follow this as a pleasant logical consequence.
Tatyana made a special emphasis on the fact that now a lot of attention is paid to marketing, and not to the product itself. She advised participants not to follow the popular rules, but to share for free or at a price that most people can buy, especially if you feel like giving back. She told about her product “with payment by heart”, that Tatyana launched in the midst of a pandemic. The bottom line is that a person paid as much as he could / wanted. As a result, net earnings for donations amounted to about 7 million rubles and turned these people into loyal customers.
Another recommendation is to unite with competitors, uniting with them on values. After all, the strength of a true leader is the courage to share not only his knowledge and tools, but also the audience.
During the second day of the forum, Tatyana highlighted the topic related to her main competence – “Energy” and gave all participants a classification, thanks to which each of them was able to determine their level of energy and further actions for its development. The higher the level of energy, the more opportunities, material and spiritual benefits each person can receive.
Tatyana spoke about the role, the positive and negative aspects of the human ego. A healthy ego allows us to have fun, go on stage, write books, achieve our goals, and do things not just for ourselves but for others. If your ego serves something more, if you give more than you take, then what you believe in will help you, give strength, opportunities, the right people for realization of your desires.

There are four levels of energy.
The first level is “weak”, when the connection with the soul is completely broken, when you live only in concepts, principles and attitudes.
As a rule, such people cannot express and understand their feelings, they are closed, they have a low income, many illnesses, and they constantly complain about life and blame everyone around for their failures. It is very difficult to build good and warm relationships, as well as earn big money at this level of energy.
The second level of energy is “personal” (more than 90% of people are in it). At this level, a person still does not have balance, success and development in all areas of his life (he can succeed in something, but some areas may lag behind and not bring what he wants). Such a life can be called “normal”.
The third level is “energy of the soul”, when a person hears and accepts his true feelings., The real magic happens at this level, these are the rare moments when everything works out in the best way for you, when you think about something and it immediately comes true. You are in a very special state in this moment, you understand how you create your reality, condemnation disappears in it and comes an extraordinary bright life full of opportunities and love.
The fourth level of energy is the “energy of the spirit” (full contact with the God). People are quite rare at this level of energy. This is the level at which people are able to love even those who bring them pain when thousands of people want to follow them. Most often we call such people Saints.

“Now more and more people are going into the topic of energy, including very successful and famous people. Among my clients there are stars, large businessmen and politicians who, working with the energy switch, grow multiply in their results,” says Tatiana.
Tatyana shared with all the participants her incredible energy, knowledge and experience during her speech, as well as one of the most important and deep insights about the importance of uniting and cohesion of all people, because this is exactly the happy future.