The forum “Another Level” became the largest business event of 2023. It took place on February 11 on the stage of BLU DUBAI V HOTEL in Dubai. Top experts from different business niches performed on the same stage: Igor Sergeev, Helen Yes, Ekaterina Karpenko, Pavel Gitelman, Mikhail Dashkiev, Alexandra Mitroshina, Yana Leventseva, Danil Matukhno, Mark Seliverstov. One of the experts was Ekaterina Karpenko. Ekaterina is the Master of Psychology, hypnotherapist, sexologist.

Ekaterina revealed three main insights on the topic “Manifestation through the stage” in her speech. Ekaterina focused her attention on the fact that in order to manifest, we need, first of all, to be in contact with ourselves and the world, to feel a sense of security and integrity. When we feel anxious, our psyche reads this as a danger, including the protective mechanisms: “Beat,” “Run,” “Freeze”. When we are faced with the task of surviving, there can be no question of any manifestation, openness and scene.
In Ekaterina’s opinion, one of the main components of successful public speaking is confidence. Confidence is a process to do what we really want to do, to hear our inner voice. We can manifest, open up, share our experience and knowledge and everything that we have acquired at the moment with courage and self-confidence.

We can give not out of need, but out of abundance thanks to confidence!
The forum participants singled out Ekaterina’s speech and noted its dynamism and informativeness, they were also able to join in a lively discussion, get unique insights, find new partners and exchange experiences.