The 48-year-old actress Charlize Theron is still considered one of the main beauties of Hollywood. However, recently fans are increasingly criticising her appearance. Fans believe that the changes are the result of not too successful plastic surgery. Film diva, who usually ignores this kind of remarks, decided to respond to criticism. The star gave a new interview.
The actress admitted that now she really does not look the same as she once did. However, the reason for the changes in her appearance has nothing to do with plastic surgery. Charlize admits that everyone succumbs to the natural influence of time.
“People say, “She’s had a facelift! What has she done to herself?”. But I’m just getting older. That’s what happens,” Theron noted.

The iconic actress noted why she decided to speak out on the subject. The star has always resented “double standards”. Charlize believes that society treats the aging of men and women differently. She calls such behaviour an injustice.
Also, the actress said that she will never go to again for the sake of shooting in the cinema. The film diva recalled how she gained 20 kilograms for a role in the film “Monster”. However, she quickly managed to get in shape. But such changes with the body for the sake of the tape “Tully” in 2018 did not pass without a trace. The star lost weight “very long and painful”.