Kim Kardashian starred in a photo shoot for the autumn issue of Fortune magazine. The 42-year-old star was recognised as one of the 100 most influential women in the world. The businesswoman is recognised for developing her corrective underwear brand Skims. The company now has a turnover of approximately $4 billion.

In an interview for the magazine, Kim talked about her future projects – for example, raising venture capital and opening a private investment company SKKY Partners. Kim is not the only star who bets on long-term investments. She emphasised that she is interested in actively participating in all stages of business development, rather than just investing money and expecting benefits.

Fortune journalists also spoke to producer Scott Budnick, who was Kardashian’s partner in one of her projects. They worked together to film a documentary at Pelican Bay Prison in California. There, Kim met with solitary confinement inmates and discussed the impact of such punishment on their mental health.

Staff members working with Kim attest to her dedication and note her professionalism. They also claim that Kim is actually a great listener who carefully analyses information before acting. Kardashian revealed that this approach has become routine for her after years of experience in the industry.

“When she sees something she really believes in, she sinks her teeth in and goes all-in,” Budnick noted.