51-year-old actor and singer Jared Leto never tires of surprising fans with new skills. And if until now the main extreme man in Hollywood was Tom Cruise, now it seems that he has a serious competitor. The other day Jared overcame the height of more than 390 metres, climbing to the top of the famous skyscraper Empire State Building in New York on the eastern facade of the building in just 20 minutes. In this way, the artist promoted the upcoming large-scale tour of his band 30 Seconds to Mars, timed to coincide with the release of the sixth studio album entitled “It’s The End of the World But It’s a Beautiful Day” and scheduled for dates from March to September 2024.

Jared Leto became the first person in history to climb to the top of the Empire State Building – if only because no one before him had ever managed to get permission from the authorities. Video of Jared’s epic climb was published by the Independent.
“I was more excited than thrilled, but to be honest, to be honest, it was really, really hard,” he said. – “A lot harder than I thought it would be. It took so much stamina, endurance – and it was very intense.”

According to the artist, he has been obsessed with New York since childhood, and therefore the dawn on the roof of the world-famous skyscraper was an unforgettable experience for him.
“Ever since I was a kid, New York has been the place you go to make your dreams come true. When I was a little kid, I wanted to be an artiste, and New York was the place where you go to be an artiste. And the Empire State Building has always been a symbol for me,” Jared explained.
However, despite the vivid impressions, Leto is not going to repeat the feat.
“Now I’m going to conquer the bed,” the star joked. – “I’m going to climb right onto the bed.”